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Profile of a Graduate Technology

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Evidence-based data insights
leveraged by artificial intelligence

What is a Profile of a Graduate?

Profile of a graduate, also known as a portrait of a graduate, life-ready graduate, and graduate profile succinctly summarizes the knowledge, skills, and attributes students should possess upon graduation. Its creation involves input from various stakeholders within a school’s community. 


The diverse perspectives contribute to defining the knowledge, essential skills, and traits that students need to succeed in life. The finalized profile becomes a key component of the school's strategic plan, serving as a public-facing guide.

What comes next?

A criteria for your students to graduate has been developed through a collaborative effort within

your school’s administration, educators, parents, students, and a variety of community stakeholders.


As school leaders, why should you demonstrate the efficacy of your profile of a graduate?

Applying a data-driven starting point enables the identification, categorization, and organization of the essential skills and attributes forming the foundation of your profile of a graduate.

Evidence-based data is utilized to identify students’ strengths and obstacles that align with a school’s profile of a graduate.

Validating the criteria outlined in a profile of a graduate can help determine whether a school is on track to achieve certain performance metrics.

92% of schools with a Profile of a Graduate share a 70% common set of skills 

Critical Thinking
Global Citizen
Learner's Mindset

A profile of a graduate interconnects a variety of objectives and initiatives 

contributing to the overall success of a school

For additional information
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